Anifowose Akinjide Samuel
Anifowose Akinjide Samuel
Anifowose Akinjide Samuel is the RSTMH Student Ambassador for the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria,
Health indicators in Nigeria are some of the worst in Africa. The country has one of the fastest growing populations globally. With 5.5 live births per woman and a population growth rate of 3.2 percent annually, it is estimated to reach 440 million people by 2050. With its rapid growing population and development challenges, the country drags down the socioeconomic indicators for the entire African continent. Global health and tropical medicine researches have helped in so many areas in providing solutions. There is need for more studies to develop an increased access to quality reproductive health services, immunizations, polio eradication, malaria prevention, maternal health services and tropical diseases elimination.
With his field interest in Epidemiology, zoonosis and genomic surveillance, predictive risk profiling, design and development of behavioural Intervention Strategies (BIS) for integrated control of neglected tropical diseases, one health and other parasitic infections; Akinjide's goal is to see the end of Neglected Tropical Diseases and zoonotic infections thereby joining other global health scholars in eliminating these infections across Africa and the globe.
Akinjide is a global health advocate with valuable years of experience working on innovative health projects (NTDs and One health) and initiatives across Africa with outstanding certificates and awards (for example, RSTMH early career award 2021). He has a few proceedings to my credit, which shows his excellent ability to produce data under supervision, capability of critical analysis, evaluation and ability to synthesize new and complex ideas. He was appointed as an independent monitor at the deworming programme sponsored by WHO in Africa in 2018. In addition, he has attended and presented his research findings at a few national scientific meetings since the beginning of his research career, one of which he co-authored a research (842) which was selected to be presented at the 11th European congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, UK.
His main reason for becoming a Student Ambassador is to bridge the gap between international bodies and students thereby advocating for their involvement in RSTMH activities and events, sensitizing them with so much benefits in becoming a member, and also developing a relational network with other researchers via this platform.
He also loves meeting people and listening to music.