NIHR Grant Awardees 2024

We are excited to announce the first of our NIHR Early Career Grant awardees. The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), in partnership with RSTMH, will fund over 240 Early Career Grants in 2024.
Aashish Lamichhane, Nepal - Exploring the nexus between Climate Anxiety, Environmental Attitude and Resilience among High School Students of Nepal.
Abishkar Thapa, Nepal - Developing and piloting a new psychosocial intervention for well-being and prevention of anxiety and depression in medical students based on Self-Inquiry.
Aboubié Elisabeth Zongo, Burkina Faso - Identification of mycotoxigenic fungi infecting bambara groundnut in Burkina Faso and development of agroecological control methods.
Adaobi Bisi-Onyemaechi, Nigeria - Electroclinical Profile of the asphyxiated neonatal brain in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu.
Adedamola Oyekunle, Nigeria - Assessment of Healthcare Professionals' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards Biorisk Management: A Focus on Biosafety and Biosecurity Compliance.
Adedayo Michael Awoniyi, Brazil - Impact of Household Backyard Hygiene on Mosquito, Rodent and Disease Propagation Before and After Sanitation Intervention in Urban Communities.
Adekunle Fakunle, Nigeria - Effect of a novel AirHealth educational intervention on the management of hypertension in South-west Nigeria: A randomized controlled trial.
Adellah Sariah, Tanzania - The relationship among resilience, social support, coping style, caregiver burden, and post-traumatic growth among schizophrenia caregivers: A cross-sectional study.
Adelline Twimukye, Uganda - HIV care and antenatal seeking behavior patterns of pregnant, breast-feeding women during response and control of COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda.
Adeola Williams, Nigeria - Determinants of utilization of dental services by children and adolescents living with Human immunodeficiency Virus (CALHIV) infection in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Adetayo Aborisade, Nigeria - Assessment of Burden, Common Psychiatric Morbidity, Health Related Quality of Life and Life Satisfaction Amongst the Mothers of Children with NOMA Attending Hospitals in Northern Nigeria.
Adon Chawe, Zambia - Effectiveness of Short Message Service (SMS) on improving Childhood immunization in Katete district Zambia.
Adriano Lubanga, Malawi - Toward a typhoid Free community; An Evaluation of Public Knowledge, Attitude and Prevention practices relating to typhoid disease in high risk urban and peri-urban areas of Lilongwe, Malawi.
Agaba Anthony, Uganda - Experience of living with cancer among school-going children receiving care at Uganda Cancer Institute.
Agatha Martha Nakibuule, Uganda - Barriers, Facilitators and Strategies for Introducing Oraquick HIV-self-testing in Uganda: A move to elimination of HIV transmission by 2030.
Agatha Henry-Ajala (nee Ibekpobaoku), Nigeria - Adherence to Recommended Dose of Intermittent Preventive Treatment with Sulfadoxine Pyrimethamine in Lagos State: Health Service Providers, Men and Pregnant Women’s Perspectives.
Agatha Ninga, Tanzania - Prevalence and predictors of HIV related stigma and its influence on quality of life among adolescents with HIV in Dar-es-salaam.
Agazhe Aemro, Ethiopia - Assessment of breast cancer continuum of care at oncologic centers in Ethiopia, 2024.
Agnes Nakiwala, Uganda - Knowledge, Perception and factors associated with breast cancer screening among men in rural Mayuge district Uganda.
Aileen J, India - Development of internet-based platform that combines Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs (ASPs) in intensive care units (ICUs) with antibiotic resistance prediction, monitor and assist clinician in decision making -using machine learning.
Akanksha Dani, India - Effect of social mobilization on tobacco consumption among adolescents in rural settings of Nagpur District: A mixed methods study.
Akankwatsa Dickson, Uganda - Assessing Capacities of Border Proximal Health Facilities to tackle Public Health Events of Epidemic Potential: A Case Study of the Uganda border with DRC and Sudan along the West Nile region.
Alidha Nur Rakhmani, Indonesia - Fighting Tuberculosis with the Triad Approach: Patient – Family - Primary healthcare.
Allen Nabisere, Uganda - Preferences for Differentiated Service Delivery Models and Retention in HIV Care among stable HIV Patients: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Rakai District, Uganda.
Allen Rhoda Nankya, Uganda - Assessing barriers in the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections at Mulago National Referral Hospital.
Amaka Ezeuko, Nigeria - Exploring Implementation problems of “Malaria and Tetanus Intermittent Preventive Therapies” among pregnant women in Atani community, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Amos Elanga, Tanzania - Employing Social Media Platforms for Implementing Social and Behavioral Change Communication to Prevent HIV Infection, Enhance Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy and Improve Retention in HIV Care Among Youths in Tanzania.
Anirejuoritse Chima-Oduko, Nigeria - Pregnancy Intentions and Contraceptive Needs In Women with HIV In Lagos, Nigeria.
Antoine Mugisha Karangwa, Rwanda - Accessibility Of Family Planning Services to Deaf Women of Childbearing Age in Rwanda.
Arjun Poudel, Nepal - Malaria preventive behavior, care - seeking practices, and barriers among migrant workers in selected malaria high risk wards of Nepal.
Aromoke Sanjo-Odutayo, Nigeria - To vaccinate or not: response of parents of school-aged girls to vaccination against Human Papillomavirus in Ilishan Town, Nigeria.
Asmita Khanal, Nepal - Factor affecting unmet need of family planning among married women of Muslim community of Kapilvastu District, Nepal.
Asongha Melissa Nkeng, Cameroon - Identifying the factors influencing malaria vaccine hesitancy among caregivers of under-5 years children in Northern Cameroon.
Atsou Afanyizou, Benin - Use and experience of mental health care in southern Benin: The experience of the populations of Cotonou and Abomey-Calavi.
Awol Assen, Ethiopia - One Health Strategies for Zoonotic Brucellosis: A Mixed-Methods Study in Ethiopia's Afar Region.
Barbara Namakula, Uganda - Assessing Facilitators for Risk of Re Admission Among Children And Care Takers Of Patients Admitted At Mwana-mugimu Nutritional Unit At Mulago Hospital, Uganda.
Beatrice Aiko, Tanzania - Factors influencing access to life saving medicines for envenomation victims: A systems mapping approach.
Benard Omondi, Kenya - Uptake of free dating ultrasound scans and the implications for active maternal vaccine safety surveillance in a Sub-Saharan African setting.
Benard Owori, Uganda - Barriers and facilitators for Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets Use for malaria control: Bridging Community Perspectives and Public Health Interventions – Eastern Uganda.
Bibash Rana, Nepal - School Based Adolescents’ Weight Management Student-Parent-Teacher Nexus Intervention.
Birkha Bahadur Bist, Nepal - Knowledge, attitudes and practices about sickle cell Anemia in Tharu communities of Kailali, District of Nepal and creation of awareness among risk group.
Brice Vofo Nguedia, Cameroon - The utilization of hand-held fundus photography by auxiliary staff for diagnosing sickle-cell retinopathy in individuals with sickle cell disease.
Cameil Wilson-Clarke, Jamaica - Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Jamaican Farmers to Ticks and Tickborne Diseases.
Carlos Cheruiyot, Kenya - Preferences between Doxycycline-prevention and presumptive treatment of sexually transmitted infections among young gay and bisexual men in Nairobi, Kenya.
Chanyalew Worku, Kassahun Ethiopia - Exploring barriers of delays in treatment seeking of snakebite victims in Northeast Ethiopia: Qualitative study using the Three-delays model.
Chinwe Eze, Nigeria - Measuring Leprosy Case Detection Delay and Associated Factors in Nigeria: A Community-based Study.
Claire Namuwaya, Uganda - Knowledge, Attitude, And Uptake of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Among School Girls Aged 9-14 Years in Eastern Uganda.
Damilola Racheal Adeleye, Nigeria - Children-acted dramas as a social marketing tool for promoting participation and acceptance of neglected tropical diseases control programs?
Daniel Asfaw Erku, Ethiopia - Assessing uptake of and willingness to pay for prostate cancer screening among men in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Daniel Reagan Emoru, Uganda - Safeguarding Public Health in the Face of Climate Change: Evaluating Uganda's National Policies and Catalysing Stakeholder Action.
David Akpakli, Ghana - The politics of non-communicable diseases policy implementation in Ghana.
David Kiwango Deoglas, Tanzania - Assessment of caregivers–reported barriers to care and scope of management of cleft lip and palate in Tanzania.
David Myemba, Tanzania - Exploring Sociocultural Factors Influencing Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination Decision-Making Among Tanzanian Families: A Systems-Map Approach.
Debasini Parida, India - Exploring the healthcare Seeking Pathways, the delays and barriers in availing appropriate treatment among snake bite victims in rural areas of Health Demography Environmental Surveillance site (HDESS) cohort in Odisha: A qualitative cross-sectional study.
Delight Tsogbe, Ghana - Problematic Internet Use And Mental Health Of Undergraduate Students: The Mediation Roles Of Digital Addiction, Emotional Exhaustion And Traumatic Stress.
Derrick Jonathan Lukubuya, Uganda - Preferred PrEP Choice and Administration to Adolescent Girls and Young Women in a Rural High Burden HIV Region: Kabarole District.
Deus Mtweve, Tanzania - Exploring the Acceptability and Feasibility of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Delivery in Tanzanian Community Pharmacy Settings.
Dickens Kamugisha, Uganda - Enhancing Snakebite Management in Rural Uganda: Clinician Training and Antivenom Assessment.
Dismas Oketch, Kenya - Impact Of Brucellosis in Agropastoral Communities in Northern Kenya and Identification of Barriers to Treatment and Prevention.
Dito Aryo Prabowo, Indonesia - Development and validation of Caregiver Burden Scale for Family Caregivers of Tuberculosis patients in Indonesia.
Dotto Pascal, Tanzania - Assessing the Impact of Community Healthcare Workers (CHWs) program in improving early initiation and coverage of recommended antenatal care visits in Dar es salaam, Tanzania: Mixed method study.
Eden Bishaw Taye, Ethiopia - Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Postnatal Mothers on Ophthalmia Neonatorum and associated factors in Amhara region, Ethiopia.
Edirisa Kibuuka, Uganda - Improving care and support of children with Cerebral palsy: Feasibility and acceptability of family care-group model in Kawempe division, Uganda.
Edwin Kigozi, Uganda - Community Perspectives on the Impact of Climate Change on Malaria Transmission in Kimanya Parish, Masaka District.
Elise Hirwa Musabimana, Rwanda - Design and piloting of the Antimicrobial Resistance curriculum for cattle farmers in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.
Elizabeth Nagawa, Uganda - Drivers of HIV Incidence and barriers to uptake of HIV interventions among adolescent girls and young women in Kabarole district.
Elizabeth Shirley Mbabazi, Uganda - Responsible Disease modeling and Prediction of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Elvis Tamale, Uganda - Assessing The Capacity of The Health Care System to Handle Neglected Tropical Diseases In A Refugee Settlement In Uganda.
Emanueli Msengi, Tanzania - Health-Related Quality of Life and Perceived Life Challenges among People Undergoing Integrated Methadone and Antiretroviral Therapy in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Emmanuel Folagboye, Nigeria - One Health approach to climate change impacts and disease control in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria.
Emmanuel Mpamizo, Uganda - The acceptance of medical home visits in the treatment of children and adolescents with HIV in Gulu, Uganda.
Emmanuel Manu, Ghana - An intervention to improve acceptability of the RTS'S vaccine among caregivers in island communities in the Afram Plains South District of Ghana.
Erick Mboya, Tanzania - Diagnostic accuracy of the computer-aided software for detecting pulmonary Tuberculosis using Chest X-Ray among children living with HIV in selected facilities in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Esekwe Amadosi, Nigeria - BRIVARD: Bridging Healthcare Systems for Disability Inclusion and Access to Sexual Health Services for Women and Girls with Disabilities.
Esther Kisanga, Tanzania - The Feasibility of Community Pharmacies in Identifying and Referring Contacts of TB Patients for Diagnostic Testing and TB Preventive Therapy Initiation in Tanzania.
Ezekiel Adebowale, Nigeria - Investigating behavioural risks for the transmission of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever amongst occupationally exposed individuals in Northern Nigerian Abattoirs.
Faith Klinogo, Ghana - Applications of Health Belief Model to examine the nexus between Knowledge and Cervical Cancer Screening among Allied Health Profession Trainees in Ghana.
Faith Matee, Tanzania - Chronic Low Back Pain: Evaluation of Quality of Life of Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Chronic Pain Interventions at Moi Between October 2024 - July 2025.
Fawiza Elsherif, Egypt - Facilitators and Barriers to Obtaining a Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with a Congenital Anomaly and Their Caregivers in Egypt: A Qualitative Study.
Fentaw Feleke, Ethiopia - Utilizing Geospatial Clustering and Modelling to Guide Tuberculosis Control and Elimination Strategies in Ethiopia.
Feyisara Kehinde, Nigeria - Assessing the Knowledge, attitudes and practices influencing the incidence of Tuberculosis in hotspots regions within a community in Nigeria.
Fiona Magololo Mutesi, Uganda - Predictors and experiences of antibiotic misuse among Persons Living with HIV at 2 HIV specialised clinics in Kampala.
Flavian Sanga, Tanzania - Identifying knowledge gap, and practice of pharmaceutical personnel towards combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in community settings in Tanzania.
Frank Kambili, Malawi - Assessment of the impact of Snakebite envenoming and dog bites on rural livelihood in Malawi. A cross sectional Community-based Study.
Frank Majaliwa, Tanzania - Acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of implementing community pharmacy based antiretrovirals refill for stable patients living with HIV in Tanzania.
Franklin Chu Buh, Cameroon - Community integration after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury in Douala Cameroon: the level of social and professional integration, difficulties and barriers.
Fridah Njeru, Kenya - A sociological analysis of the use of herbal remedies among oncology patients in Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital in Western Kenya.
Frijenia Sumbai, Tanzania - Promoting One Health among Maasai Communities at Monduli District: Assessing the Complex Interactions Among Animals, Humans and the Environment for Sustainable Development and Improved Health Outcomes.
Geofrey Emesu, Uganda - Factors associated with utilization of cervical cancer screening methods among women living with HIV in rural North Eastern Uganda, A case of Soroti and Katakwi districts.
Geoffrey Olweny, Uganda - Understanding Health Worker Attitudes Towards Safety Practices in Biosafety Level Three Laboratories in Uganda: Implications for Occupational Health and Infection Control.
George Kaguru, Kenya - Integrating oral health into child health; involving the nutritionist in mother-child pair oral health education.
George Odongo, Uganda - Effect of Incorporating School Teachers in Enhancing HPV Vaccine Uptake Among Girls Aged 9-14 in Refugee Settlements of Northern Uganda.
George Wasswa, Uganda - An assessment of the effect of integrated child health days on coverage of other non vaccination services and the newly introduced vaccines in Kakumiro district.
Getahun Mulaw, Ethiopia - Exploring Treatment-Seeking Behaviour for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis among Children and Adults in Ethiopia: Impacts on Treatment Outcome and Quality of Life.
Gloria Kaudha, Uganda - Primary Prevention of Rheumatic Heart Disease: Exploring the clinical care practices of healthcare providers in assessing children with acute illnesses.
Gloria Lubega, Uganda - Understanding HIV vertical transmission in Uganda in the era of Dolutegravir based antiretroviral therapy.
Glory Nja, Nigeria - Combating seasonal cholera outbreaks in seven “hotspot” communities in Nigeria, using “Ejagham dialect” for community engagement and WASH promotion interventions.
Gobind Joshi, Nepal - Magnitude of co-morbidities and associated factors among tuberculosis patients in Dang and Banke districts of Nepal: A health facility based cross-sectional study.
Godwin Adzakpah, Ghana - Determining the impact of eHealth literacy and diabetes empowerment on self-management among diabetic patients in Ghana.
Grace Madraa, Uganda - Community Perspectives on Gene drive-modified mosquitoes for Malaria Control in Northern Uganda: A Mixed-Methods Study.
Grace Nabaggala, Uganda - Spatial clustering and hotspot analysis of measles vaccine coverage and measles outbreak occurrence in Uganda: An ecological study.
Habtu Debash Misew, Ethiopia - Health-related quality of life, its associated factors and lived experiences of people with cutaneous leishmaniasis in Leishmaniasis Treatment Centers, Amhara Region, Ethiopia: A Convergent Parallel study.
Haddy Jallow Badjan, The Gambia - Policymakers’ perceptions of policy and programme needs for addressing malnutrition among adolescent girls in The Gambia: an exploratory qualitative study.
Halimat Olaniyan, Nigeria - Knowledge, attitude and perception of common mental disorders among adolescents and youths with disability in south-west Nigeria: A mixed-method Study.
Hana Gebreselassie, Ethiopia - Timing of Diagnosis and Factors Associated with Delayed Presentation of Children with Structural Birth Defects: A Multicentered Cross-Sectional Study from Ethiopia.
Hannah Ajayi, Nigeria - Vaccination Completeness/coverage Of Children and Associated Factors in Osun State: Household-based Assessment Vis-à-vis Diphtheria Outbreak in Nigeria.
Helen Naiga, Uganda - Uptake of Sickle Cell Screening and Exploring Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs Among Young Adults in Bugweri district.
Hindya Oqlah Al-Maqableh , Nordan - Integrating Climate Adaptation in Mental Health Support for Refugees in Jordan: a case study of Jordan.
Huysean Huot, Cambodia - Assessment on the self-medication behavior and the application of theory of planned behavior model: Self-medication without antibiotic medication among population living in Krong Battambong.
Ibrahim Twinomujuni, Uganda - Facilitators and barriers for enrollment of Non-Suppressing Children and Adolescents Living with HIV (0-19 years) into Integrated Community Service Delivery Model (ICSDM) in rural Uganda- Namutumba district.
Immaculate Alwedo, Uganda - Barriers and Facilitators to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among high risk HIV-negative Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Gulu City, Uganda.
Irene Mbabazi, Uganda - Transitioning of Care from Paediatric to Adult Sickle Cell Clinics in Uganda: Assessing the barriers and facilitators.
Isaac Nkrumah, Ghana - Midwives’ Experiences and Competencies for Gestational Diabetes Management in Ghana: A Mixed Method Study.
Isaac Otim, Uganda - Item Bank Development for Paediatric Malignancies: A Tool for Quality-of-Life Evaluation and Prognostic Prediction in Northern Ugandan Children.
Isaac Samuel Kintu, Uganda - Prevalence, associated factors and level of awareness of hypertension disease among commercial bus drivers in Kampala City. A cross-sectional study.
Jacqueline Materu, Tanzania - Joint modelling of correlated time-to-event outcomes: Age at first sex and age at first marriage among youth in Tanzania.
Japhet Daud Mdadila, Tanzania - Factors Influencing Oral HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake among Adolescent Girls and Young Women aged 15-24 years in Shinyanga, Tanzania.
Jeffrey Kaba, Ghana - Diabetes among young people in Ghana: contemporary diagnosis, incidence and knowledge.
Jemal Mohammed Kabeto, Ethiopia - Burden of snakebite and Knowledge of health professionals toward envenomation management in Hamer wereda, south Omo, Ethiopia.
Jerphason Ongayo Mecha, Kenya - Factors affecting the implementation of short-course tuberculosis preventive therapy regimens among People Living With HIV(PLHIV) in Kisumu County. A qualitative Study.
Jessie Khaki, Malawi - Spatial variations in uptake of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among girls in Malawi and associated vaccine programme implementation challenges.
Jocelyn Cletus Okoh, Nigeria - Legalize Abortion? Exploring Reproductive Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Abortion Pre-Legalization among Youth in Middle-Belt Nigeria.
Jonas Danquah, Ghana - Enablers and Barriers to Rabies Vaccine Uptake by Dogs in Ghana: A Study of Knowledge, Perceptions, and Intentions Among Dog Owners and Vets.
Joseph Nkungugu, Tanzania - Exploring the prevalence, pattern and management of paediatric haematological malignancies in central zone of Tanzania at Benjamin Mkapa Hospital.
Josephine Namatovu, Uganda - Association Of Infant And Young Child Feeding Practices And Nutrition Status Of Children 6-23 Months In Bidibidi Refugee Settlement – Yumbe District - Uganda.
Joshua Felix Walakira, Uganda - Community perceptions on Herbal medicines use in treating Upper Respiratory Infections in Katanga slum, Uganda; a way of sparing antibiotics.
Julius Kayizzi Uganda - Utilisation of Family Planning Methods among Teenage Mothers of Lira District: Prevalence, Barriers, and Associated Factors.
Juma Ayubu Mohamedi, Tanzania - Comparative Analysis of Quality of Life in Children with Sickle Cell Disease: Hydroxyurea Recipients Versus Non-Recipients in Tanzania.
Justin Onyebuchi Nwofe, Nigeria - A Survey of rational antibiotic use and public knowledge of antibiotic resistance among rural communities of North Central region of Nigeria.
Justus Onu, Nigeria - Integration of Screening for Mental Health Conditions and Guided Action into the Care of Patients with Noma and their Caregivers.
Kalab Gete, Ethiopia - Availability of Antivenoms and Essential Emergency Medications for Snakebite Management in District Hospitals and Community Pharmacies of the Amhara Region of Ethiopia.
Khim Bahadur Khadka, Nepal - Assessing the Effectiveness of Modular Midwifery Training on Service Provider Competencies and Maternal-Newborn Health in Nepal: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
Kidist Bekele, Ethiopia - Quality of life of individuals living with Podoconiosis in Ethiopia.
Kofi Amanor, Ghana - Child Health Risk and Artisanal Mining Activities in Ghana.
Kolawole Aremu, Nigeria - Public perceptions of non-pharmaceutical interventions for influenza and mosquito-borne illnesses in Peri-urban communities in Osun State, Southwestern, Nigeria.
Kusumsheela Bhatta, Nepal - Effect of Climate Change on Indigenous Mental Well-being from a One Health Perspective: A Mixed-Methods Study in Western Nepal.
Laura Awuor, Kenya - Knowledge, awareness And Utilization Of Sexual And Reproductive Health Information & Services Among Teenagers In Migori County, Kenya.
Leah Mbabazi, Uganda - Assessing the acceptance of the malaria vaccines among parents of children aged under five years in Northern and Eastern Uganda.
Leodgadi Gido, Tanzania - Physical, Social, and Psychological Challenges Experienced by Breast Cancer Survivors Receiving Treatment at Ocean Road Cancer Institute, Dar es Salaam-Tanzania.
Lydia Nakiganda, Uganda - The Role of Peer Navigation in Supporting PrEP Adherence and Retention Among Female Sex Workers in South-Western Uganda.
Manoj Kumar Sah, Nepal - Understanding TB STIGMA among the Madeshi community of Nepal to design effective solutions.
Marie Amougou Atsama, Cameroon - Wastewater matrices for preventive identification of potential outbreaks of acute viral hepatitis in Yaoundé Cameroon.
Marion Birungi, Uganda - Barriers, Facilitators and Solutions towards Sustainability of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs in Central and Eastern Ugandan Hospitals. A Qualitative Study.
Martha Manda, Malawi - Assessing the Impact of Structured Intensive Rehabilitation on neurodevelopment (motor, language and social) in Pediatric Hydrocephalus.
Martin Wiredu Agyekum, Ghana - Timely Linkage, Initiation and Retention of Infants and Children in the HIV Care and Treatment Cascade in the Central Region, Ghana.
Mary Nyantaro, Uganda - Knowledge, Perceptions and Practices of Parents, Community Members and Health workers on Unclassified Sudden Infant Deaths in Uganda.
Mathew Amollo, Uganda - Psychological Distress among Victims of Violence Against Children in Uganda: Prevalence, Enablers and Barriers to Equitable Social and Health Services Access in Uganda.
Maxwell Appiah, Ghana - Evaluating the Effectiveness and Acceptance of Indoor Residual Spraying Malaria Intervention in the Two Implementing Districts in Ashanti Region, Ghana.
Melchizedek Ignatius Munaje, Nigeria - Factors Affecting Visual Outcomes of Paediatric Cataract Surgery in A Developing Nation: A Hospital-based Prospective Study in Kano Northwestern Nigeria.
Mevis Omolo Kenya - Building Capacity for Pandemic Response: An Assessment of Dead Body Management Practices in Kisumu County Health Facilities.
Michael Segawa, Uganda - Exploring HPV Vaccine Uptake and Its Barriers Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Urban Slums of Kampala.
Michael Turyasingura, Uganda - Improving Malaria Drugs Availability: Utilizing Machine Learning to Forecast the Correct Stocking Levels of Artemisinin Combination Therapies.
Michel Amenah, Ghana - Understanding and Addressing Preeclampsia in Island Communities: A Case Study from the Kwahu Afram Plains District.
Mobolaji Salawu, Nigeria - Risk perception and preventive practices towards Diphtheria infection among caregivers of under-five children in a selected rural LGA, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria: a mixed method approach.
Mohamed Onyango, Kenya - Assessing the impact of postpartum depression on child nutrition among young mothers in Nairobi's informal settlements.
Moses Muwanguzi, Uganda - Early childhood adversities, resilience and HIV care outcomes among adolescents and young adults living with HIV in rural Uganda.
Moureen Nakazibwe, Uganda - Mental health service access & mental disorder relapse risk among youths (15-30) years in rural Uganda: A cross-sectional study.
Mueen Abid, Pakistan - Exploring the psychosocial needs of teenage children of parent with breast cancer in a low-middle income country.
Mugerwa Saadick Ssentongo, Uganda - Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake, acceptability and associated factors among adolescent girls and young women in North-eastern Uganda.
Muluken Altaye Ayza, Ethiopia - Assessing Effects of War on the Quality of Tuberculosis Care and Treatment Delivered in Public-Health Facilities: A Cross-Sectional Study, Ethiopia.
Mwanahawa Mshana, Tanzania - Tungiasis in diabetic patients. Exploring burden and clinical aspects of a double threat: a cross-sectional study in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania.
Nakitto Irene Kisakye, Uganda - Improving The Community Uptake of Malaria Vaccine Through Sensitization of Community Vhts in Kasese District.
Nega Assimamaw (Tezera), Ethiopia - Explore acceptability of integrated care for HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension in primary health facilities of Gondar town, Ethiopia: Using a theoretical framework of acceptability.
Nofisat Lawal, Nigeria - Surveillance of Selected Impoverished Communities of Southwest Nigeria for the Occurrence of Noma (Cancrum oris) Disease.
Olalekan Ata, Nigeria - Prevalence of Depression among pediatric Noma patients and Integration of a Mental Health Intervention into care for pediatric patients with Noma:(A formative Research).
Olufisayo Elugbadebo, Nigeria - The adaptation of a stepped care, task sharing approach for integrating depression care for Older Adults Living with HIV (OLHIV) into an HIV treatment and support services in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Oluwatosin Oyekola, Nigeria - Preeclampsia and pregnant women in Mowe communities, Nigeria.
Pankras Luoga, Tanzania - Planning and procurement of snakebites Anti-venom in Monduli district, Arusha region, Tanzania: Exploring experiences from primary health managers.
Pendo Ibrahim, Tanzania - Building Primary Healthcare Workers Capacity for Early Detection, Care and Referral of Kaposi’s Sarcoma in HIV Care and Treatment Clinics (CTC) In Southern Tanzania: A Formative Study.
Perry Msoka, Tanzania - Nutritional education intervention to improve nutrition knowledge among parents and caregivers of children under five years living with HIV in Kilimanjaro Tanzania. A mixed method study.
Petra Elibariki Joseph, Tanzania - Quality of life and Burden among Caregivers of mentally ill patients attending Muhimbili National Hospital in Tanzania.
Phan Trieu Phu, Vientam - Exploring barriers and challenges to the implementation of tuberculosis preventive treatment (TPT) for household contacts of susceptible tuberculosis patients in the highest TB burden settings in Vietnam.
Poonam Bista, Nepal - Care for Cure: Co-design of a simple, gender-sensitive care package to improve holistic well-being and patient centered care for residents at MDR TB treatment hostels in Nepal.
Prashamsa Bhandari, Nepal - Risk factors associated with Tuberculosis (TB) among people living with HIV/AIDS: A Case-control Study in Lumbini Province, Nepal.
Pratik Khanal, Nepal - Experience of care among patients with breast and cervical cancer in Nepal: A qualitative study using journey mapping approach.
Precious Ilueme, Nigeria - Integrated approach on Case detection in Children with Unknown Tuberculosis history in Nigeria. RAISING study.
Rabin Thami, Nepal - Perinatal infections, antimicrobial practices and treatment outcomes in a tertiary referral maternity hospital of Nepal: A clinical epidemiological study and co-design of an AntiMicrobial Stewardship initiative (PeriNaMS project).
Rabina Dhakal, Nepal - Understanding the Financial Burden of Diabetes on Nepalese Households.
Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Nepal - The Role of Communities and Partners engagement to end TB in Nepal.
Rajesh Sharma, Nepal - Mapping of the current anti-snake venom availability in Nepal: Cross-sectional survey of snakebite treatment centers and snakebite.
Ranjan Shah, Nepal - Factors Associated with Compliance of Iron And Folic Acid Consumption Among Mothers In Bagmati Province of Nepal During Ante-Partum Period.
Rebecca Nuwematsiko, Uganda - Antimicrobial prescribing practices and drivers for irrational use among staff in private retail pharmacies in Kampala and Mbarara cities, Uganda.
Rehema Namaganda, Uganda - Aging With HIV In Uganda: The Experiences of Older Persons in Fishing Communities in Uganda.
Rekiku Abebe (Fikre), Ethiopia - Unintended pregenacy among adolescent, its effect on intimate partner violence, service utilization, and maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Renatus Magati, Tanzania - Birth Outcomes Among Babies Born to HIV-Infected Mothers Receiving a Dolutegravir-based Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen in Tanzania.
Reshu Parajuli, Nepal - Experiences of pregnancy and early motherhood in young women living with Epilepsy in Nepal.
Ridwanullah Abdullateef, Nigeria - Effect of health education on knowledge of breast cancer early detection measures among in-school adolescent girls in a rural community in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Robert Kokou Dowou, Ghana - Management Of Multi-Morbidity of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (CNDS) In Volta Region, Ghana.
Robert Matovu, Uganda - Evaluating the socio-economic impact of Anthrax on affected communities in Uganda.
Robert Mirisho, Tanzania - Dust exposure and adverse respiratory health effects among copper and gold artisanal small-scale miners in Tanzania and Zambia.
Roger Ciza, Burundi - Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices of Clinicians towards Antibiotic Prescription and Antimicrobial resistance among outpatient children with Acute Respiratory Infections in Burundi.
Safia Malick Abdalla, Tanzania - Combating Resistance: Assessing Antimicrobial Prescription Pattern at Jitimai District Hospital in Zanzibar.
Saheed Ademola Ibraheem, Nigeria - Prevalence And Severity of Dental Caries Among School Adolescents in Zaria, Nigeria.
Sainabou Drammeh, The Gambia - Implementation strategy to scale-up timely hepatitis B birth dose vaccination within the Expanded Program on Immunisation (EPI) in The Gambia.
Samantha Keshara, Uganda - Neonatal Jaundice Management: Assessing the knowledge, attitude and practices of mothers at Kawempe Specialized National Referral Hospital (KNRH).
Samiran Kafle, Nepal - Exploring the Prevalence and Determinants of Anxiety and Depression among Resident Doctors in Nepal.
Sangam Shah, Nepal - Sleep quality and quality of life among COPD patients in a tertiary referral center of Nepal: A cross-sectional study.
Sarah Ayakpagi, Ghana - Assessing The Perception And Attitude Towards Female Genital Mutilation In Pusiga District Of Upper East Region, Ghana.
Shamim Nalunkuuma, Uganda - Assessment of Knowledge, Practices and Challenges on Menstrual Hygiene Management Among Females Aged 14-24 Years in Kalangala Islands.
Sharon Anena, Uganda - Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake Among Women of Reproductive Age (25-49) Enrolled in HIV Care: A Health Facility Based Cross-sectioal Studies in Lamwo District, Rural Northern Uganda.
Sithabile Mngadi-Ncube, South Africa - Using a Human Centered - Design thinking Approach to develop a Mental Health and HIV Support Primary Healthcare Framework for HIV positive women experiencing Common Mental Health Disorders in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Sophia Quist Sey, Ghana - Stakeholders' perspectives on the quality of care at the hypertension clinic at Maamobi General Hospital, Ayawaso North Municipality.
Steeve Mwanja, Uganda - Occupational burnout and its impact on Mental Health among Community Health Workers in Wakiso district: An application of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).
Steven Sean Puleh, Uganda - Understanding Community Perspectives: Knowledge and Acceptability of the R21 Malaria Vaccine among Children Under Five in Kole district, Northern Uganda.
Sumaiya Haddadi, Tanzania - Factors influencing delays in diagnosis and treatment of patients with rectal cancer at Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Tanzania: A mixed-methods study.
Sunday Olarewaju Olakunle, Nigeria - Assessing effect of social network technology in improving clinical care outcome among children with sickle cell disease, Osun State Nigeria.
Sweetness Laizer, Tanzania - Bridging The Gaps: Enhancing Management of Diabetes and Tuberculosis Co-morbidity In Tanzania.
Sylivia Nairuba, Uganda - Unmet need for mental health services among adolescents and young people living with HIV/AIDS (AYLHIV) in Kampala City, Uganda.
Tadele Yadesa, Uganda - Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Tadesse Delele, Ethiopia - Social and spatial distributions, and predictors of neonatal mortality in Ethiopia.
Takudzwa Tafadzwa Mukamba, Tanzania - Empowering Healthcare Providers: Enhancing Diagnostic Capabilities for Leprosy in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Tebabere Moltot, Ethiopia - Effect of education intervention based on health belief model on Enhanced case finding of Tuberculosis among internally displaced people in Ethiopia, 2024.
Tom Okade, Uganda - Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine uptake and associated factors among scavengers (waste pickers) in selected Municipal Solid Waste dumpsites in Kampala Metropolitan Area, Uganda.
Tomas Yeheyis Ferede, Ethiopia - Fetal malnutrition and its predictors among newborns delivered at public hospitals of Sidama Region.
Uchenna Imo, Nigeria - Challenges of Snakebite Case Management among Traditional Healers in Donga, Taraba State, Nigeria.
Vanio Mugabe, Mozambique - Rethinking cholera outbreak preparedness: how to address the cholera infodemic (misinformation and/or disinformation) to strengthen health intervention in Mozambique.
Vianney Kigongo John, Uganda - Prevalence And Factors Associated with Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions Among Older Adults Living with HIV At Taso Mulago Special Clinic.
Victor Chikwala, Tanzania - Exploring the Lived Experiences of Women with Disabilities during Pregnancy and Childbirth in Tanzania.
Victor Lomonyang, Uganda - Prevalence of perceived stigma and associated factors among tuberculosis patients in Napak district, Karamoja region.
Victory Ekpin, Nigeria - Improving HPV Vaccine Uptake among girls aged 9-14 years in Akwa Ibom State using a Community-Participatory Approach to Awareness Creation.
Vincent Abindu, Uganda - Investigating Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Nosocomial Infection Prevention Among Health Workers at Kagando Hospital in Kasese District, Southwestern Uganda.
Violet Kajogoo, Tanzania - Assessing of Health-related quality of life and virological suppression among stable and unstable clients in HIV clinics in urban Mwanza region, Tanzania.
Vivek Gyawali, Nepal - Adherence to antiretroviral treatment and perceived stigma among people living with HIV in Rupandehi, Nepal.
Winnie Johnny, Malaysia - Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Screening with Epstein-Barr Virus Serology among High-Risk Adult Population in Borneo.
Wondu Dejen, Ethiopia - Maternal Mortality Audit At Hawassa Referral Hospital, Tertiary Institution In Ethiopia: Identify The Direct Causes Death And Causes Of Delays.
Wonodi Ndubuisi, Nigeria - Assessment of Factors contributing to artemisinin-based combination therapy failures in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Yashi Nilesh Gandhi, India - Understanding Job-related Preferences of Primary Healthcare Workers in India to Inform Policy Reforms that can Improve their Motivation and Retention.
Zainah Kabami, Uganda - Empowering Mbarara District Communities to Prevent Future Rift Valley Fever Outbreaks: a Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Study and Community Engagement Intervention.
Zobia Noreen, Pakistan - Reducing the impact of self-administration of antibiotics on children by using a school-based child to family education approach in Pakistan.