Olanrewaju Olajumoke
Olanrewaju Olajumoke
Olajumoke Olanrewaju is a PhD student at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife, Nigeria, where she is conducting research on “Geospatial Assessment of Vibrio Species and the Efficacy of Calcined Oyster Shell Powder for Treating Groundwater in Cholera-Endemic Community in Ile – Ife, Nigeria”. The focus of her work is to provide low-cost, environmentally friendly treatment to communities where cholera is endemic. Her research includes a combination of fieldwork, laboratory work, and geographic information systems. Olajumoke is particularly interested in preventing cholera and promoting community health. She worked on knowledge of cholera as part of her bachelor's project and investigated environmental risk factors towards cholera for her M.Sc. research. She is currently working as a lecturer at the Department of Public Health, University of Calabar, Nigeria.