Rasaq Kayode Oladapo
Rasaq Kayode Oladapo
Rasaq Kayode Oladapo is currently working as a Systematic Review Analyst with Clifton Insight, Bristol United Kingdom, having completed his Master's degree in Epidemiology with distinction from the University of Bristol on a fully funded Commonwealth Shared Scholarship. He was trained as a pharmacist at the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria.
He has a proven track record implementing and managing donor funded projects aimed at improving access to quality health services among vulnerable populations in Sub-Saharan Africa. He also serves as a reviewer for academic journals. He holds a Diploma in Research Ethics through the Center for Bioethics and Research funded by the United States’ Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center and the National Human Genome Research Institute.
He is an author of several scientific publications in reputable international journals. His areas of research interest include but are not limited to evidence synthesis, systems research, addiction, HIV, and implementation science.